Yogic Flying in groups creating a better world (13'27")
Maharishi: Jai Guru Dev, all glory to Guru Dev.
In today introduction to world press, Dr Morris the prime minister of the global country of world peace, has expressed in the introduction, in the simplest expressions, in the total field of knowledge, that can ever be expressed, and therefore, if one wants to know what is transforming the world from chaos, confusion and weaknesses, to peace, prosperity and happiness. Just listen to this talk of Dr Morris.
Just listen to this talk, and practice Transcendental Meditation and its advanced techniques including Yogic Flying and you will experience what the prime minister has said in his introductory lecture.
It was an introductory lecture, it was an advanced lecture. If anyone wants to review the principles to the programs and to the effect that it produces, listen to Dr Morris' introductory lecture today.
And in my talk, I have nothing more to say, I endorse every word that has being said in the introduction, and ask the people to enjoy their life.
Don't waste life. Don't waste life in trivialities. Have a few minutes of morning and evening program. Practice Transcendental Meditation and its advanced techniques. And know for yourself the whole field of knowledge, the entire field of knowledge, and be competent to work that knowledge out into anything that you desire to have.
Fulfill your desires. Practice the program of what we call these days, the program of raising the individual consciousness and collective consciousness to the level of invincibility, the supreme level of permanent world peace.
Fulfill your desires. Practice the program of what we call these days, the program of raising the individual consciousness and collective consciousness to the level of invincibility, the supreme level of permanent world peacePermanent world peace, a time which the population of the world has not known for centuries in the past, centuries in the past, the time is now dawning.
Out of all these forty countries enough number of people are practicing Yogic Flying. What they have to do more is begin to fly together.
And now since the last week, many of these forty countries people have started to practice yogic flying together in their towns. They are renting halls and practicing this yogic flying.
Particularly this phenomena of yogic flying where the body comes up. (In Yogic flying, the) mind becomes so powerful that with the spur of desire, the body lifts up in the air and hops around. This phenomenon is a tremendous technology for any nation to have the collective consciousness of the nation function on that level of fulfillment, where no negativity will come.
This phenomenon is a tremendous technology for any nation to have the collective consciousness of the nation function on that level of fulfillment, where no negativity will comeNow this phenomenon has started to be created. Then it's a matter of a few days, when—in all these forty countries--people will be practicing yogic flying together, and the result will be an atmosphere of positivity. All positivity, no negativity, no conflicts, no confusions, not so much sickness, and not failures of intentions, no failures of efforts, everywhere positivity, peace, bliss continuum, on the level of integrated national consciousness, which is the level of invincibility.
Our clarion call is "invincibility for every nation, and permanent world peace in the integrated national consciousness of every nation". It's unimaginable what a fortune the world is going to witness. From this week and next week; from these few days, next few days. Just instead of flying at home, they have to find a common place for flying together.
Invincibility for every nation, and permanent world peace in the integrated national consciousness of every nation
Three, four different flying groups in the country. Maybe somewhere fifty, maybe somewhere forty, maybe somewhere hundred, maybe somewhere two hundred. Just these people flying together.
It's like a chorus in music [Laughter]. When many people sing together, it's so melodious, so fulfilling. One forgets if there is any negativity. Like a chorus, the quiet influence of Yogic Flying spreads all around, inside, and outside.
That is the world fortunately being created now with this simple technology, this simple practice for the mind to be trained in self-referral action. Self-referral action, quiet self-referral action, and the proof of it is: the body coming up in the air, body lifting up in the air, the body hopping around.
It's a great achievement of the greatest science of the world, of the greatest science of life. Whether you call it science or you call art or you call it religion, you call it anything, you call it "grace of God", you call it "my own power of action", you call it anything. All will be satisfied.
And with the schools and colleges teaching this [Yogic Flying] everywhere in the world, the continuity of this kind of fulfilling level of life everywhere [will be ensured] and that is our contribution to the world.
That is the blessing of the self-referral mental performance. The technique of Transcendental Meditation, its advanced techniques, and Yogic Flying are given to us by the tradition of Yogic masters, by the tradition of Vedic masters, by the tradition of Yagyic masters, Yagya and Yoga.
This is Vedic tradition, which is still maintained in the world, though highly distorted, but doesn't matter. Fire is always fire wherever it is, small quantity or big quantity. Fire is fire, it must burn.
Vedic technology must raise life to the level of Veda, to the level of pure knowledge, to the level of all possibilities.
It is just that, it is just that.So, big fortune is rising now, it's rising now, it's not anything of the future: It's of the present, and the world press is fortunately being invited to watch and see that it is likely understood properly, and then, world is going to be like that. The world is going to be like that.
From tomorrow, from next week, from next month, the beautiful world will be as predicted, as expressed by the Vedic language: Bliss, waves of bliss, one can imagine bliss--extreme value of happiness inside (and) outside, happiness pervading.
Fortunate are the people of the world of this generation and of all generations.
Glory to Guru Dev
Prime minister, you've expressed enough, once again bless the world press and bless the world population with your beautiful expressions of total knowledge rendering all possibilities for everyone now.
Jai Guru Dev, all Glory to Guru Dev.

Main Points:
1. Maharishi: Don't waste life in trivialities. Practice Transcendental Meditation and its advanced techniques morning and evening.
2. Know the entire field of knowledge, and be competent to work that knowledge out into anything that you desire.
3. Practice the program of raising individual and collective consciousness to the level of invincibility, the supreme level of permanent world peace.
4. In forty countries enough number of people are practicing Yogic Flying. What they have to do more is begin to fly together.
5. In Yogic flying, the mind becomes so powerful that with the spur of desire, the body lifts up in the air and hops around.
6. Our clarion call is invincibility for every nation, and permanent world peace in the integrated national consciousness of every nation. It's unimaginable what a fortune the world is going to witness: Just instead of flying at home, they have to find a common place for flying together.
7. When many people sing together, it's so melodious, so fulfilling. One forgets if there is any negativity. Like a chorus, the quiet influence of Yogic Flying spreads all around, inside, and outside.
8. This simple practice for the mind to be trained in self-referral action is creating a more fortunate world.
9. With schools and colleges teaching this Yogic Flying everywhere in the world, the continuity of this kind of fulfilling level of life everywhere will be ensured.
10. The technique of Transcendental Meditation, its advanced techniques, and Yogic Flying are given to us by the tradition of Vedic masters.
11. Vedic technology must raise life to the level of Veda, to the level of pure knowledge, to the level of all possibilities.
12. Fortunate are the people of the world of this generation and of all generations.